The Statute
1. Name and Headquarters
Under the name “A.I.M.A.” (Andrea Ippolito Motorcycling Association) there is an association that is pursuant to Articles 60 and following of the Swiss Civil Code with headquarters in Zurich.
2. Object
The object of the association is to support and promote motorcycling among young riders, regardless of gender, nationality or origin, with particular attention to the ethical values of motorsport.
Those values include the respect for the standards, compliance with the safety standards for themselves and for the others, as well as respect for the environment.
The object of the association is also to encourage collaboration with specialised institutions and organisations in order to encourage the exchange of information to promote motorcycling in all areas and disciplines.
In addition, exchange between participants, riders, and private and institutional organisers will be encouraged.
New safety technologies for riders and the promotion of environmentally friendly and climate-neutral vehicles will also be promoted and supported.
3. Financial Means
In order to achieve the purpose of the association, the association will count on the contributions of the members, determined annually by the General Assembly. Donations of all kinds, as well as contributions from local and foreign sponsors, may also be accepted.
4. Membership
Any natural or legal person having an interest in the purpose of the association may become an active member with the right to vote.
Any natural or legal person may become a passive member without the right to vote if the Board accepts the application for membership.
Applications for membership shall be addressed to the President. The Board shall decide on the admission.
5. Expiry of Membership
Membership will cease in the case of:
– a natural person by renunciation, exclusion or death.
– a legal person by renunciation, exclusion or dissolution.
6. Renunciation and Exclusion
Termination of membership is possible at any time. The letter of withdrawal shall be addressed to the President at least four weeks before the ordinary General Assembly.
A member of the association may be excluded at any time and without reason. The Board shall take the decision of exclusion. The member may refer the decision of exclusion to the General Assembly.
7. Bodies of the Association
The bodies of the association are:
a) General Assembly
b) Board
c) Auditors
8. General Assembly
The General Assembly is the supreme body of the association. An ordinary General Assembly will be held each year before the 30th of April of the current year.
Members will receive a written invitation to attend the General Assembly, together with the agenda, at least three weeks in advance.
The General Assembly shall be responsible for the following inalienable tasks:
a) election or cancellation of the Board and the Auditors
b) determination and amendment of the Statutes
c) acceptance of the annual accounts report and the audit report
d) decision on the annual budget
e) determination of the membership contribution fee
f) handling complaints of exclusion
Each member shall have a vote in the General Assembly and the decision that receives the most votes will be taken. Passive members will be invited to attend the General Assembly, although they will not have the right to vote.
9. Board
The Board shall consist of at least two members (natural persons), namely the President and the Vice-President.
The Board shall represent the association abroad and shall manage current affairs.
10. Auditors
The General Assembly shall elect two auditors annually to audit the accounts and carry out a random check at least once every year.
11. Signature
The association shall be bound by the collective signature of the President and that of another member of the Board.
12. Liability
Only the assets of the association shall be held liable for the debts of the association. Personal liability of members is excluded.
13. Amendment of the Statutes
These Statutes may be amended if three quarters of the present members approve the proposed amendment.
14. Dissolution of the Association
The dissolution of the association may be decided by a qualified majority if the necessary quorum is achieved in the Assembly.
If less than three quarters of the members are present at the Assembly, a second Assembly shall be held within a month. In that Assembly, the association may be dissolved by a simple majority, even if less than three quarters of the members are present.
In the event of the dissolution of the association, the assets of the association shall be allocated to an institution that pursues the same or similar purpose.
15. Entry into Force
These Statutes were adopted at the Constituent Assembly on 3 February 2019 and entered into force on that date.
8052 Zurich, Schaffhauserstrasse 550